Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Small Ironing boards

 Small Ironing boards

I like to be able to start sewing on a block or a quilt top and be able to sew, press a seam, trim an edge etc. all without having to get up and move to a different area to get those tasks done.

I have several "Ironing" areas and boards.
1. Ironing board that is in a cabinet that hangs on a wall. You open the door and the ironing board comes down. That board is great for tops and dresses and slacks. It is in the quest room.
2. Massive Ironing Board, that hides in my dining room closet or garage. When used I put it over the Dining room table. It is 3 feet wide and 7 1/2 feet long. It is a piece of plywood that has been covered with Ironing board fabric, batting and fabric.  It is wonderful to use to iron my quilt tops before putting them on the Long Arm to quilt. It is also fantastic to iron large things like table clothes etc that tend to get re-wrinkled after ironing on the typical ironing board once then go over the edge and land on the floor because they are so big.
3. Ironing board made from the top of a old Wooden TV stand. This is great for pressing squares. I have it under my  sewing counter that I can swing up and use as needed. but kinda big for just doing block seams.
4. Two small ironing boards for block seams.

The ones I want to show you were once again made by my husband for me. It is the Ironing board #4.

 We had a "Sleeve pressing board" from his mother. It was covered in a cream muslin fabric and very old. I had no use for it as is.   Here is a picture of one that is similar

I had him take the metal henge thing from between the two boards. Which left it as two small boards. I then had him cover the existing fabric with a layer of batting and some new fabric. He did this by stapling the batting and fabric around to the back. 

After I used them for a couple of days, I realized I needed a little one, as I was doing a gazillion HST [Half Square Triangles] That were 2 1/2" x 2 1/2"  and the bigger board was more in the way. 

So I asked him to cut it down to 6 inches and recover it. Which he did. 

The following picture is what I now have.

I have my sewing machine on the right, and on the left is my cutting matt, to the back of the sewing machine I have my Iron plugged in and I lay the small or the longer board on the back of the cutting matt, and use the front to have my blocks/block parts sitting ready to sew, and small area for me to trim the block and the small ironing board towards the back so I can sew the seam, press it, trim it and move to the next with out getting up from my chair.. sure speeds up piecing blocks!

Hope this helps!

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