Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sew Easy Guide by Sara Gray

     I found this new "Gadget" which I think I am going to like. It is called the "Sew Easy Guide" it is made by Sara Gray. I bought mine on line at "Erica's" and this is the page it is on about half way down:

  Ok why would I buy this gadget? Well it helps you with the "Scant" 1/4 inch seam.  This gadget is made to attach to your machine foot [with sticky] and lays across your fabric. Then you can line up your fabric to the dotted line and you can tell you're on the "scant" 1/4 inch seam allowance.

   Ok some pictures would help.  Here is the guide telling all the things you can do and also explains about the guide's markings.

  Basically it is a clear piece of plastic with black markings. There is a hole in the center top that you line up your needle to, while your sticking this guide to your presser foot. Then there are three lines of markings; two dashed lines and one solid line. 
   The dashed lines on the right and left are the "Line up" lines for your edge of fabric or from your point of sewing. The solid line is the line of sewing.  As you see in the below picture.

  As you can see in the next picture, I have a piece of fabric ready to sew and I have the right dashed line lined up with the edge of the fabric and you can see where the needle will sew by looking at the solid line on the guide

   And now you see once I move the fabric over to the left, the seam line I sewed using the guide. 

  In this picture you can see I have laid my 6.5x6.5 inch square up ruler on top of the sewn example.  I put the ruler where you can see the 4 1/2" line is on top of the sewing line.. and the 4 3/4" dotted line is a hair to the right of the edge of the fabric.  WHY??? Because it is a "Scant 1/4" seam" with this guide. That way when you press the seam allowance over to the side, your seam allowance will be perfect. 

Here is another view of the "Scant 1/4 inch" seam allowance

In this picture you can see me making a HST [Half square triangle} block. I have placed the left dashed line where it is lined up with the points/corners so the needle will be sewing down the right side [solid line on guide]. 

  And then you see when I move it to the left you can see the white thread of the seam that is to the right of the center for your HST.

  This enables you to sew your HST without drawing the diagonal line from point/corner to point/corner.  The next step would be to line up the dashed line on the "right" with the points/corners, which puts the solid line where the needle sews to the left of the dashed line that lines up with the points/corners. 

  This guide has instructions how to use it for quilting, for Triangles on the corners [snowballs], as well as HST and Quilt as you go seams. 

 Some may think this is a crazy gadget and not for them. We each need to find what works for us. I have the 1/4" seam guide with the wall, but if I don't keep it against that wall it isn't going to stay straight as I sew. With this gadget your not staring up at the foot your watching down that dashed line, and for me it seems easier to keep it lined up. But we all need to find what works for us. 

  I just got this today so we will see in the future if I decide its a keeper.. but for less than seven dollars it was a chance I had to take. 

Happy Quilting

PS!!!!!   Ok I have used it for piecing the top of my Wales Trip Quilt. and I love this little gizmo!!!   I absolutely love it. Works great and wow no trimming!!! I would recommend this tool for any one that is having problems sewing straight lines!!!

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