Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Can you use a Bed Sheet for the backing of a quilt?

Can you use a Bed Sheet on the back of a quilt as backing fabric? 

  Yes you can, but it will be harder to work with. If you take it to a Long Arm quilter to quilt they may refuse that type of backing. Why is it harder or not wanted. Sheeting has a thread count that is double what quilting or clothing fabric has in it.
  In regular cotton sewing fabric it has 250 threads per inch going from selvage to selvage [Weft, Crosswise grain], but only has 40 threads per inch going the length of the fabric [Warp, Lengthwise grain].  The Warp grain treads are  held very tight and ridged when the fabric is being made. the Weft threads just weave between the Warp threads and are loosely laid there.

In Bed Sheeting, the Warp and Weft threads are the same according to the count.. example 800 count sheets are 800 threads in each direction per inch.
   Ok so why is it hard to handle? Because the Long Arm Quilters needles and the Sewing machine needles have to actually break the thread to get through it, leaving holes. But with regular Sewing or Quilting Cotton fabric the needles go between the threads. Hand sewing with a needle in sheeting is really hard to do.
  Is there an exception to this? Yes if it is a old worn cotton sheet. But do you want a old worn out sheet on the back of your quilt to fall apart??
  So again can you? Yes, totally your choice. But I won't. I have already tried to sew through a sheet by hand and it was a pain.

Happy Sewing!

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